Now with the Tucson Shows behind us, I can finally relax a little bit. I made sure to visit all the important shows and accomplished successful networking. I'll post show reports on InnSuites show, the Pueblo Show, the main TGMS Convention Center Show, the 22nd Street Show, and a few other smaller shows. Due to a limited time constraint, I did not have the availability to attend the Westward Look Show this year.
My wife will be joining me this week, and we'll be taking a vacation here in sunny Arizona. I can certainly use this vacation after such a hectic week. This will delay my reports and postings on the shows to early March.
I plan on also producing a video recap of all the major shows. My goal with the show postings and videos is to provide a good feel of what the shows are all about and what they look like, especially for those people who are unable to make it to Tucson.
Of course in Tucson I was busy this year handing out flyers for our contest. These cards were on the information tables of the major shows, as well as by some important dealers. I also gave these out throughout the show, so they really made their way around town.