This post contains photos of some of the individual minerals at The 2016 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® not related to the "Shades of Blue" theme. While most of the public displays were dedicated to general theme, many were not. All images are clickable for larger photos.
Fluorite Ball in Amethyst Vug from Jamner, Maharashtra, India
A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
Rhodochrosite from the N'chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, South Africa
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Natural Frowning Faced Petrified Wood
David Wilber Collection
Purple Fluorite from Tombstone, Arizona
Bob Jackson Collection
Botryoidal and Polished Sphere of Smithsonite from the Kelly Mine, Magdalena, New Mexico
Unlabeled Case
Calcite Included with Copper on Native Copper from the Quincy Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan
Paul E. Desautels Memorial Case
Apophyllite on Native Copper Crystals from the Phoenix Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan
Paul E. Desautels Memorial Case
Realgar on Calcite from the Shimen Mine, Hunan Province, China
Unlabeled Case
Botryoidal Malachite from the Shilu Mine, Yangchung Co., Guongdong Prov., China
Unlabeled Case
Cerussite Crystal Clusters from Tsumeb, Namibia
Unlabeled Case
Manganoan Calcite on Quartz from the Bismark Mine, Ascencion, Chihuahua, Mexico
Unlabeled Case
Pink Danburite from the Aurora Mine, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Unlabeled Case
Gemmy Tabular Wulfenite Crystal from Arizona
Bill Larson/Gene & Roz Meieran
There were many non-themed exhibit display at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®. We already covered the first bunch in the previous post. This post contains the remainder that we photographed. All images are clickable for larger photos.
Minerals of the Degrussa Project in Western Australia
Unlabeled Case
Zoomed into the Above Case
Unlabeled Case
Clay Center Variscite from Clay Canyon, Utah, Collected in 2015 by Alan Day
Jerry Rosenthal
Sceptered Quartz from the "Mothers Days Pocket", Hallelujah Jct, Nevada, Collected May 2015
Lance & Cindy Ruffel Collection
More Sceptered Quartz from Hallelujah Junction, Nevada (Royal Scepter Mine)
Unlabeled Case
"Amethyst - An Almost Blue Hue"
Unlabeled Case
"Remembering Josie Scripps"
Fallbrook Gem & Mineral Society Museum
Two Matching Smithsonites Slabs from Masua, Sardinia, Italy, Finally United
Royal Ontario Museum & A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
Minerals of Georgia
Tellus Science Museum
"Garnets - Just About Every Color Including Blue"
Unlabeled Case
Selected Minerals from the Recently Acquired Paul & Janet Clifford Collection
A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum of Michigan Tech
Minerals from the Vilburnum Trend, Missouri
Dan & Diana Weinrich
Barite from France & Spain
Unlabeled Case
Fine Worldwide Thumbnail Specimens
Dan & Diana Weinrich
Colorful Worldwide Mineral Specimens
From the Collection of Phil Gregory, Denver, CO
Minerals of the United Kingdom
Wayne and Dona Leicht Collection, Laguna Beach, CA
"Blue & Red Minerals" - Rebelling Against the Show Theme
Roz & Gene Meieran and Bill Larson
Fine Worldwide Minerals
Mineralogical Association of Dallas
Fine Worldwide Minerals
Mineral Enthusiasts of the Tucson Area
Minerals from the Sar-e-Sang Lapis Mines in Afghanistan
Thomas P. Moore & Robert W. M. Woodside
Mineral Finds from New Mexico from Glenn & Gregg Hales
Glenn & Gregg Hales
In addition to all the blue-themed display exhibits at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®, there were plenty of displays not related to the main theme. The pictures below represent the majority of these cases, which will be divided into two individual posts. All images are clickable for larger photos.
Smoky Quartz from Gletschhorn and Feldschijen Mountain in the Swiss Alps
Siber+Silber Ltd.

The David Eidahl Collection
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Miscellaneous Case
Unlabeled Case

Fire Agate Showcase
Rothengatter Goldsmiths - Philip & Ginger

Quartz Display Case
Unlabeled Case

"American Mineral Treasures"
Unlabeled Case

"Orange is the New Blue"
Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Minerals from Bisbee Arizona
Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum
Rogerly Mine Fluorite
UK Mining Ventures
Purple Fluorite from the New Discovery at Tombstone Arizona
Various Collectors
"The Columbus Pearls"
Peter Balogh, Prehistoric Foundation LLC
Minerals from the Tantara Copper Deposit, Katanga, DR Congo
Valere Berlage, Belgium
Blue John Fluorite
C.W. Sellors Fine Jewelry
Miscellaneous Minerals
Unlabeled Case
In Memory of Paul E. Desautels
Unlabeled Case
Incredible Showcase of Fine Minerals
Unlabeled Case
Fine Botryoidal Minerals
Unlabeled Case
Another Incredible Showcase of Fine Minerals
Unlabeled Case
And Yet Another Incredible Showcase of Fine Minerals
Unlabeled Case
High Quality Miniatures
Unlabeled Case
Prominent Locations for Arizona's Wulfenite
Frank Sousa
Tribute to William Lawrence
Robert Clements, Doug Robinson, and the Mineralogical Society of Brattleboro
Single Gem Crystals William Johnson Collection
William Johnson Collection
This post contains the rest of the photos of individual blue minerals we wanted to share from the The 2016 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®. These minerals were all in the public display exhibits at the show set up by various private collectors and museums. The photos used in all of the Tucson show reports were taken by Hershel Friedman. All images are clickable for larger photos. (The larger photos may also have additional information such as a label.)
Cavansite on Stilbite from the Wagholi Quarry, Pune, India
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
Jeremejevite Crystal and Gem from the Erongo Mountains of Namibia
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
The Logan Sapphire, 422 carats, from Sri Lanka.
This is largest mounted gemstone of the Smithsonian
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
Polished Lazurite Nodule from the Malo-Bystrinskoe Deposit, Baikal, Russia
Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow
Oligoclase Showing an Adularescent Moonstone Effect from Khetolambino, Chupa, Karelia, Russia
Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow
Afghanite from Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Friends of Mineralogy
Blue Halite and White Sylvite from the Kerr McGee Mine, Carlsbad, Eddy Co., New Mexico
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
Electric Blue Linarite Sprays from the Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico
From the "New Mexico Blues" Case
Lazulite from Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., Georgia
Tellus Science Museum, Georgia
Blue Color-Changing Garnet from Bekily, Magdagascar
This is a fascinating discovery, and we plan to write a post about it in the future
Unlabeled Case
Giant Aquamarine Crystal from the Hogg Mine, Troup Co., Georgia
Tellus Science Museum, Georgia
Transparent Kyanite with Staurolite from Sponda Alp, St. Gotthard, Tessin, Switzerland
Mineralogical & Geological Museum at Harvard University
Iridescent Labradorite from Bekily, Toliara, Madagascar
Mineralogical & Geological Museum at Harvard University
Krohnkite from the Chuquicamata Mine, El Loa, Antofagasta, Chile
Mineralogical & Geological Museum at Harvard University
Euclase from the La Marina Mine, Boyaca Dept, Colombia
This is one of the largest blue Euclase crystals I have ever seen!
Scott Rudolph Collection
Polished Banded Azurite & Malachite from the Holbrook Mine, Bisbee, Arizona
From the Collection of Richard W. Graeme IV and Douglas L. Graeme
Blue Crystallized Prehnite from the Merelani Hills, Arusha, Tanzania
From the Collection of Jim & Gail Spann
Blue Hemimorphite from Wenshan, Yunnan Prov., China
From the Collection of Jim & Gail Spann
Blue Quartz Crystals with Color from Tourmaline Inclusions, Dara-i-Pech, Konar, Afghanistan
From the Collection of Jim & Gail Spann
Kinoite with Apophyllite from the Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona
Martin Zinn Collection
Hauyne with Calcite from Ladjuar Medan, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Thomas P. Moore & Robert M. Woodside
Benitoite and Neptunite from the Benitoite Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California
Rick Kennedy Collection
Aquamarine from Boise County, Idaho
The Dorris Family Collection
Now that you've all seen the "Shades of Blue" theme displays at The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®, it's time to show some of the individual minerals. Once again, since there were so many good blue minerals that I photographed, the post was too large for a single post, so I am dividing the blue minerals into two separate posts. This is the first of the two. Stay tuned for the next one which will be posted shortly.
All the images are clickable for larger photos. The larger photos may also have additional information such as a label.
Fibrous Celestine from the type locality of Bell's Mill, Bellwood, Blair Co., Pennsylvania
Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Pittsburgh)
Azurite (stalagmites) from Bisbee, Arizona
University of Arizona Mineral Museum (Donated from Princeton University in 2013)
Blue Halite from the Kerr-McGee Mine, Carlsbad Potash District, Eddy Co., New Mexico
The Sherman Dugan Museum of Geology at San Juan College
Blue and White Halite from the Potash Corp-Lanigan Mine, Guernsey, Saskatchewan, Canada
Royal Ontario Museum
Blue and White Halite from Dorndorf, near Merkers, Thuringia, Germany
Mineral Museum of Bonn, Germany, Poppelsdorfer Schloss
Azurite "Suns" from the Malbunka Copper Mine, Central Australia
Dehne & Maureen McLaughlin Collection
Large Lazurite Crystal on Matrix from Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Martin Zinn Collection
Azurite Nodule Pair from the Mikheyevskoyew Mine, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Southern Urals
Fersman Mineralogical Museum Collection (Moscow)
Corundum var. Sapphire Crystal from Galbkka, near Vallivaya, Uvo Province, Sri Lanka
Mineral Enthusiasts of the Tucson Area (META)
Topaz from Yuzhakova Village, Ural Mts., Russia
The David Eidahl Collection at the Natural History Museum of L.A. County
Blue Fluorite with Barite from Bingham, Socorro Co., New Mexico
The Thomas Hales Collection
Azurite Rosettes on Malachite Stalagmites from the Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona
Martin Zinn Collection
Azurite Crystal Cluster from Utah (Apex Mine or La Sal)
Martin Zinn Collection
Ball Shaped Azurite Aggregates on Malachite from the Junction Shaft, Bisbee, Arizona
Rice Museum of Rocks & Minerals
Iridescent Bornite on Wedge-shaped Chalcocite from the Flambeu Mine, Ladysmith, Wisconsin
Rice Museum of Rocks & Minerals
Blue Topaz from the Fisher Quarry, Topsham, Maine
Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
Large Celestine Crystals from the Luz Mine, La Paz, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum
Lazurite Polished Slab from Gunnison Co., Colorado
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Blue Gems
GIA Museum
More Blue Gems
GIA Museum
Blue Fluorite from Le Beix, Puy de Dome, France
Alain Martaud Collection
Blue Fluorite from Le Burc, Tarn, France
Alain Martaud Collection