Jerry Rosenthal had twelve full display cases of exceptional minerals. Below is his introduction, as stated in one of his exhibits:
I grew up in the orchard country of San Jose that is now Silicon Valley. During my early years my interest was sparked by my grandfather who gave me a petrified wood domed limb cast. I was intrigued by the thought of wood turning into stone.
My collecting began in thw 1980s once I had some disposable income. I had a deep fascination with lapidary tools and what you could do to rocks with them. As I continued on my interest branched into actual mineral specimens. I met lots of dealers, diggers, collectors, prospectors, traders and more than a couple of con men. Thanks to finding a few honest dealers I was able to compile a collection of over 800 specimens of which a fraction are presented here.
For years my collection was "housed" in cardboard flats and boxes. With the expansion of my plumbing business I was able to build a custom walk in display room to show my mineral and sphere collection. The beauty of the minerals is why I collect but I should also mention that I am color blind so don't be surprised if I ask you what color my minerals are.
Pictured below are all of Jerry's public showcases, as well as some individual minerals from within those cases.
Click any picture below for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge:

Jerry Rosenthal Copper and Silver Case, with Jerry's Bio

An Amazing Crystallized Copper from the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigian

Native Gold Display Case

Gold Nugget from the American River in Placerville, California

Jerry's Showcase of Gem Beryls

Showcase of Various Gemstone Minerals

Elongated Topaz from Ouro Preto, Brazil

Excellent Pink Kunzite from Minas Gerais, Brazil

Bright Yellow, Gemmy Orthoclase from Itrongahy, Madagascar

Jerry's Azurite Collection

Collection of various Garnets from Jerry Rosenthal's Showcase

Amazing Garnet Crystals on Matrix from the Tyrol in Austria

Demantoid Garnets on Matrix from Val Malenco, Italy

Jerry's Tourmaline Collection

Jerry's Fluorite Showcase

Exhibit of Uncommon Worldwide Minerals

Large Elongated Crystal of Rare Veszelyite from the Black Pine Mine in Montana

Beautiful Spray of Bright Orange-Yellow Legrandite from the Ojuela Mine in Mexico

New Mineral Species Recently Named "Marshalsussmanite"

Jerry's Quartz Exhibit

Collection of Polished Spheres

Lapidary Glasswork from Jerry's Collection