We finished editing the Phosphate minerals. The locality info on these minerals was totally outdated. Many new photos from John Betts were also added.
Minerals updated were:
- Adamite
- Apatite
- Mimetite
- Pyromorphite
- Vanadinite
There are many more phosphates we will need to index in the site, but at least for now these are the ones time allowed us to get into the system.
We finished editing all the sulfates. This was a large group and took a while. ALL the info on all the minerals was updated, especially the locality details which were very outdated. Here is a the list of sulfates in our system that were updated:
- Anglesite
- Anhydrite
- Barite
- Brochantite
- Celestine
- Chalcanthite
- Crocoite
- Cyanotrichite
- Epsomite
- Glauberite
- Gypsum
- Jarosite
- Linarite
- Natrojarosite
- Thenardite
We have completed the Varietys and Other Names, and they are linkable and indexed. There is a listing page that lists every known variety and other name for the minerals indexed in our database. And every page that mentions a variety name is also linkable to that mineral. This was a huge feat but it is finally complete and working!