The first post on the InnSuites Show featured general scenes around the show. This next post features the minerals at the show. Some of the photos I took are of individual minerals, others are groups, and I also took of entire cases.
Click any picture for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge:

Outstanding Cubic Pyrite Crystal Cluster from Piritas De Navajun, Spain.
(I Wish I Would Have Added a Different Color Background!)

Large Golden Elmwood, Tennesee Calcites Associated with Sphalerite from Rock Decor (Joe Blaylock)

Another Beautiful Elmood Mineral Cabinet from Rock Decor (Joe Blaylock)

Rare Orange Kyanite Twin from Arusha, Tanzania, from Alfredo Petrov

Beatiful, Deep Blue Aquamarine from Nghe An Province in Vietnam, from Crystal Gem Minerals (He Xin Jian)
These New Aquamarines Were at Several Places at the Show, and this is the First Time I Have Ever Seen it Before.

Amazing Suite of African Gem Minerals in the Room of Patrick Mayer (Room 333)

Case of Fragile Crocoite Crystals from the Adelaide Mine in Dundas, Tasmania (Adam Wright).
These were collected this past year. It is amazing how these get transported without breaking!

Gigantic Crocoite Crystal Cluster in the Bottom of Adam Wright's Shelf

Another Large and Detailed Crocoite Crystal from Adam Wright

Natural Blue Topaz from the Taryall Mountains in Colorado (Jeff Self - Self-A-Ware Minerals)
Topaz has experienced a recent bonanza in the Colorado Mountains.

Deeply Colored Polished Azurite Nodules from the Famous Rubitsovskiy Mine in Siberia, Russia.
Russian Minerals Co. (Mikhail Anosov)
I was suprised by the amount of Russian dealers in Tucson this year.
There were many more then in previous years.

Calcite Growing in Shells from Florida.
(Whitney's Rocks to Gems - John & Debbie Whitney)

Coralized Chalcedony and Agates from Whitney's Rocks to Gems
(John & Debbie Whitney)

Iridescent Pyrite Nodules in Clay Concretion from the Volga River in Russia
From Rainbow Pyrite Drusy - Room 185

Shelf of Amazing Deep Blue Halites from the Intrepid Mine in New Mexico.
These Beautiful Minerals Have Become Very Popular Recently.
(Pinnacle 5 Minerals - Joe Dorris)

Another Shelf of the Same Deep Blue Halite Material

And a Two Superb Halite Cubes on Matrix with Sylvite

And One Last Amazing Photo of Blue Halite on Sylvite Matrix

New Find of Sherry Topaz from Colorado.
There has been much good Topaz coming out of Colorado lately
These are from the Tribute Pocket, Agnus Dei Claim, El Paso Co., Colorado
(Pinnacle 5 Minerals - Joe Dorris)

Some Excellent Amazonite and Smoky Quartz's from the newly discovered Lucky Monday Pocket,
Smoky Hawk Claim, Florissant, Teller Co., Colorado
(Pinnacle 5 Minerals - Joe Dorris)

Cabinet of Exquisite Gem Crystals from Majestic Minerals (Scott M. Wallace)

Another Colorful Cabinet from Majestic Minerals (Scott M. Wallace)

Giant Amethyst Geode from Uruguay at the Entrance of the Hotel
(Specimen "From Uruguay")