Stan Parker had an outstanding display case of N.J Traprock minerals. Aside from a great selection and great color, he had detailed labels, and had given much thought to the layout of the case. This was by far the best exhibit showcase at the show.
Prehnite Casts, Lower New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Ed David Collection

Calcite Crystal, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Hobart Jones, Ex Eric Stanchich

Prehnite Plate, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Hobart Jones, Ex Eric Stanchich
Prehnite, and
Chalcopyrite Geode, Millington, NJ
Ex Robert Batic, Ex Eric Stanchich

Bright Red
Heulandite, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Eric Stanchich
Prehnite Pseudomorphs, Lower New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Eric Stanchich
Calcite on
Quartz, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex John Kohnowich, Ex Eric Stanchich
Stilbite and
Heulandite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Jesse Jacobson, Ex Eric Stanchich
Datolite on
Prehnite, Lower New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Paterson Museum
Smoky Quartz with Casts and
Hematite, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Paterson Museum, Ex Miro Bianchi

Prehnite, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Paul Lazar, Ex Eric Stanchich

Large, Bright Orange
Stilbite Plate, Moore's Station, NJ
Ex Jay Baskin
Prehnite Pseudomorphs After Glauberite, Fanwood Quarry, Watchung, NJ
Ex Frank Imbracchio, Ex Eric Stanchich

Prehnite, Lower New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Dr. A.J. Delario, Ex Eric Stanchich

Stilbite with
Laumontite and
Quartz, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Hugh Ford, Ex Eric Stanchich

Rare Orange
Natrolite with
Prehnite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Ken McKim, Ex Eric Stanchich
Prehnite Pseudomorphs After
Anhydrite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Bill Butkowski, Ex Eric Stanchich
Prehnite Pseudomorphs After
Anhydrite, Lower New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Arizona Mining Museum, Ex Eric Stanchich

Deep Green
Prehnite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Fred DeVito, Ex Eric Stanchich

Chabazite in Vug with
Quartz and
Calcite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, NJ
Ex Curt Hennig, Ex Eric Stanchich
Datolite with
Babingtonite, &
Quartz, Prospect Park, NJ
Ex Eric Stanchich