There were many new and interesting minerals to be seen at the Springfield Show. There was both old and classic material, as well as new finds. I photographed some of the more interesting items that I encountered at the show and am glad to be able to share them with you.
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Apatite from Namibia
Throwin' Stones (Rusty James - Asheville, NC)

An Exceptionally Large Jeremjeyvite Crystal from Erongo, Namibia (Collected 2006)
Throwin' Stones (Rusty James - Asheville, NC)
Amethyst with Lepidocrocoite Inclusions, Gobobosberg Mountains, Erongo, Namibia
Allectoris Minerals (Rocko Rosenblatt - Margaretville, NY)

New Find of
Dolomite from the Lead Mine Road Gash Vein, Macomb, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Collected May 2015 by Michael Walter
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter - Nicholville, NY)

Flat of the New Find of Dolomite from the Lead Mine Road Gash Vein, Macomb, St. Lawrence Co., NY
Collected May 2015 by Michael Walter
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter - Nicholville, NY)
Adularescent Peristerite from the Ellis Farm, Macomb, St. Lawrence Co., New York
Collected June 2015 by Michael Walter
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter - Nicholville, NY)
Willemite Crystal in
Calcite from the Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, NJ
The Mineral Cabinet (Bill Butkowski - New Providence, NJ)

Datolite Crystal from Charcas, St. Luis Potosi, Mexico
Alan's Quality Minerals (Alan Benson - Mt. Laurel, NJ)

Unusual Elongated
Morganite Crystal on Matrix from Madagascar
Morganite is usually flattened and tabular, and rarely elongated
The Uncarved Block (Pu Tzu - Sebastopol, CA)

An Enormous Green
Fluorite from the Erongo Mountains, Namibia
The Uncarved Block (Pu Tzu - Sebastopol, CA)

Mineral Artist Fred Wilda Posing with a Grossular Garnet and Diopside from Eden Mills, VT
This Specimen was dug out from a groundhog hole in the mine
Natures Finest Creations (Fred Wilda - Hadley, MA)

Titanite from Bras Couper, Montcerf, Quebec, Canada
Lambert Minerals (Dan & Shelley Lambert - Newport, MI)

Rare Red
Elbaite Tourmaline in
Lepidolite from Connecticut, from the Neil Wilson Collection.
(Specific locality not available.) Such Tourmaline is almost unheard of from Connecticut.
Minerals America (Michael Jacob - Eagle, PA)
Chalcopyrite Formation in
Galena from Shullsburg, Wisconsin
Donald K. Olson - Bonsall, CA

Witherite Crystals from Cumberland, England
Donald K. Olson - Bonsall, CA

Diopside Crystal Cluster from the Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Canada
Geokrazy Minerals: (Geoffrey Krasnov - Wilmington, NC)
Aquamarine in a
Biotite Cast.
Beryl in a
Pseudomorph Cast is Unusual.

Topaz Crystal from Karengerenge, Solwezi, Zambia.
This Topaz Highly Resembles the Imperial Topaz from Brazil.

Magnetite Dodecahedrons from the Tilly Foster Mine in Brewster, NY.
These old-time specimens are from the 1800's and were from the Ron Januzzi Collection.
Yankee Mineral & Gem Co (Ted Johnson - Cobalt, CT)

Chondrodite crystals from the Tilly Foster Mine in Brewster, NY.
These old-time specimens are from the 1800's and were from the Ron Januzzi Collection.
Yankee Mineral & Gem Co (Ted Johnson - Cobalt, CT)

Spinel in Marble from Luc Yen, Vietnam
Breck Kent - High Bridge, NJ

Large Orange
Grossular Garnet from the Jeffrey Quarry, Asbestos, Quebec
Well Arranged Molecules (Kevin Downey - Florence, MA)

Azurite Crystals on Limestone Matrix, Milpillas Mine, Sonora, Mexico
Unique Minerals (Evan Jones & Marc Miterman)

Torbernite from Margabal, Averyon, France
Unique Minerals (Evan Jones & Marc Miterman)