Here are some invidual mineral specimens from the public display showcases that I found interesting and were photogenic. In hindsight, I realize I should have taken more of these as there were so many more good ones, including those from my own showcases.
Click any picture below for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge:

Gigantic Amethyst Crystal Plate with Anhydrite cast
Brad Plotkin Collection

Amethyst Vug with Beautiful Colloring.
Hershel Friedman Collection, ex Paterson Museum

Sphalerite on Dolomite from Walworth, New York
This is the Largest Known Sphalerite Known From This Location
Dave Kords Collection

Giant Plate of Toothpaste-green Prehnite Blobs with Contrasting White Calcite
from the "Pumping Station" Locality in West Paterson, New Jersey
Eric Stanchich Collection

Round Prehnite Bubbles on an Earlier Growth of Prehnite with Calcite
Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey
Eric Stanchich Collection

Incredible Agate from the UBC Quarry, Great Notch, NJ
Steve Kuitems Collection

New Find of Clino-Humite (Chondrodite) with Spinel from Amity, NY
Glenn Rhein Collection

Willemite Crystal with Franklinite on Calcite
It is Unusual to see Two World-Class Minerals of Such Good Form in one Specimen
Dick and Elma Hauck Collection

Although this Picture Came out Blurry, its a Perfectly Terminated, Totally Transparent
Crystal of Elbaite Tourmaline from the Havey Quarry in Maine

Flanked by Smaller Green Tourmalines, this Amazing Watermelon Tourmaline
from the Havey Quarry in Maine Stands Proud

Very Large Gold Crystal Plate on Quartz matrix
from the GG Prospect, Toulumne County, California
Miner's Lunchbox, Scott Werschky Specimen