One of the most significant mineral events of the summer is the East Coast Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show, in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Informally known as the Springfield Show, this is the most popular mineral event in the Eastern United States. The show took place in the Eastern States Exposition from August 7 through 9.
This show is large in size, with a truly impressive number of dealers. The show also has a healthy representation of significant dealers with high-end material, as well as more localized dealers offering many bargains to be found.
The Springfield show has a special exhibit with different collections featured every year. This exhibit is well-organized, with a quality display of good cases and proper lighting. This year's public exhibit featured the incredible mineral collection of none other than Marty Zinn, the organizer of the Springfield Show. There were close to 50 exhibit cases filled with an amazing array of color and quality, with each case themed and well thought-out. We will feature Marty's exhibits as well as some of his individual minerals, so stay tuned as we'll be posting this in the coming days.
As far as mineral news goes, Jason Baskin of Jay's Minerals debuted a new find of quality Amethyst crystals from Windham County, Connecticut. This new locality was mined by Jason during the past several months and first brought to the public at the Springfield show. We hope to write a special report on this with information from Jason, but in the meantime, you can enjoy some of the photos we took of this new find of Amethyst.
Click the pictures below for a larger version pop-up.

Large Amethyst Crystal from Windham Co., CT

Doubly terminated Amethyst Crystal with Great Color Zoning

Several Amethyst Crystals on Matrix

Another Doubly Terminated Amethyst Crystal on a Clear Quartz Matrix

Jason Baskin (R) and his cousin Kyle Baskin (L) in Front of their Amethyst for Sale

Several Flats of the the Amethyst at Jason's Booth

A Close Up of some Good Amethyst Points in the Flats

Another Great Amethyst Matrix Piece

An Exceptional Amethyst Purchased by Alan Benson
Stay tuned for additional posts on the Springfield Show!