The Springfield show organizers put together an exceptional display of minerals every year in their public show exhibit. This year's exhibit featured the collection of Marty Zinn, promoter of several import mineral shows including the Springfield show. Marty's collection is indeed very impressive, with many world-class specimens. There were over 45 public display cases, each one a showcase with individually themed minerals of impressive stature.
Most of the display cases were accompanied with unique and interesting props such as accompanying paintings or mineral magazines featuring a mineral within the case. Especially prevalent was a painting of a mineral within a case from renowned mineral artist Fred Wilda.
Pictures of the showcases are outlined below. We will also provide some postings of individual minerals that stood out within each case. Click the pictures below for a larger version pop-up.
Fluorite on
Muscovite and
Feldspar from the Hunza Valley, Gilgit, Pakistan
Fluorite &
Calcite from the Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Tennessee
Apatite & Bertrandite from Akchatatu, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Marty Zinn Select Nice Miniatures & Small Cabinets

Marty Zinn's Select Cabinet & Showcase Minerals
Rose Quartz from Taquaral, Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Quartz from Brazil
Quartz Casts and

Quartz var.
Amethyst from Artigas, Uruguay

Quartz var.
Amethyst from Various Localities

Minerals from Namibia
Tourmaline with
Lepidolite, &
Quartz from Minas Gerais, Brazil
Tourmaline with
Lepidolite, &
Quartz from the Himalaya Mine, San Diego Co., California
Pyromorphite from the Bunker Hill Mine, Kellogg, Idaho
Variscite with Millsite & Crandallite from the Little Green Monster MIne, Clay Canyon, Fairfield, Utah
Red Beryl from the Violet Claim, Wah Wah Mountains, Milford Co., Utah
Aquamarine from the Hunza Valley, Gilgit, Pakistan
Rhodochrosite Stalactites and Lapidary Art from the Capillita Mines, Catamarca, Argentina
Smithsonite from the Kelly Mine, Magdalena, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Manganocalcite, and
Cobaltian Calcite
Barite from Worldwide Localities

Minerals from Dal'Negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
Apatite from Worldwide Localities