This is our second post on the special exhibits of "Minerals of Western Europe." Altogether, I counted 36 cases that fit within the show theme. However, there were other exhibits not counted here related to theme, such as "Minerals of New Spain" (i.e. Mexico), and "Minerals of Russia." These will be included in our post on the non-themed exhibit pages. I also took plenty of photos of individual minerals within the showcases, and these will have a separate news article.
Click on the images below for larger pictures. The pop-up pictures can also be downloaded in a higher resolution by right clicking them to save them locally.)
Smoky Quartz and
gwindels from Switzerland
Marcus Budil

Minerals from the "Mineralogical Collection of Germany"
University of Technology Bergakademie Freiberg (Mining Academy)

Minerals of Western Europe - Highlights from the National Gem & Mineral Collection
Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History

Best of Species - Minerals of Western Europe
[Unlabeled Collection]

Minerals of Switzerland
[Unlabeled Collection]

Minerals of Europe
Arizona Historical Society Natural History Collection

Quartz Specimens from Germany and the Alps
Collection of William H. Wray

Minerals from the North of England
Collection of Lindsay and Patricia Greenbank

Rogerly Mine
FluoriteUK Mining Ventures Collection

West Cumbrian Iron Orefield
[Unlabeled Collection]

A Selection of English Minerals
Collection of William Severance

Minerals from the Erzberg, Steirmark (Styria), Austria
[Unlabeled Collection]

Minerals of Romania (technically Eastern Europe, but still included here)
Phil Richardson Collection

SphaleriteLes Presmyk Collection

Western European Fine Minerals
Gail and Jim Spann Collection

Minerals of Europe (especially
Case Dedicated in Memoriam of William "Bill" Lawrence

Alpine Antiques - Included
Quartz from Switzerland's Alpine Clefts, Collected at least 75 Years Ago
Jeff Glover Collection

Classic Minerals from Europe, Especially Germany
Wendel Minerals Collection