Minerals & Gemstone 480x104

The Tucson InnSuites Mineral Show (Hotel Tucson City Center)

The Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show at the Hotel Tucson City Center (or more commonly known as the InnSuites) is a sprawling hotel complex with many rooms filled with dealers. There is a large variety of dealers at this show, with many setting up here in late January and then transferring to the main show at the Convention Center during the second full week in February.

This show has a very enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere, and is one of my favorite events in Tucson. There are always interesting minerals and new finds to be discovered in almost all the rooms, as well as interesting people to chat with throughout the grounds. This post contains photos of some of remarkable minerals and new finds that I encountered at the Hotel Tucson City Center.

Barite from Cerro Warihyu, Peru, Crystals Springs Mining & Jewelry
Barite from Cerro Warihyu, Peru
Crystals Springs Mining & Jewelry

Chalcedony Pseudomorphs after Anhydrite? from Moquegua, near Puno, Peru, Crystals Springs Mining & Jewelry
Chalcedony Pseudomorphs after Anhydrite? from Moquegua, near Puno, Peru
Crystals Springs Mining & Jewelry

Glass Wulfenite Replica on Matrix, Made Special for this Year's Show Theme, Artisan Made Gemstones
Glass Wulfenite Replica on Matrix, Made Special for this Year's Show Theme
Artisan Made Gemstones

Multiple Large Rubellite Tourmaline on Albite Matrix from Malkhan, Russia, Karp Minerals
Multiple Large Rubellite Tourmaline on Albite Matrix from Malkhan, Russia
Karp Minerals

Giant Spinel-Law Twinned Spinel Crystals from the Red River, Yen Bai Provence, Vietnam, John E. Garsow, Minerals
Giant Spinel-Law Twinned Spinel Crystals from the Red River, Yen Bai Provence, Vietnam
John E. Garsow, Minerals

Rare Transparent Clinohumite from Kukh-i-Lal, Pamir Mountains, Badakshan, Afghanistan, John E. Garsow, Minerals
Rare Transparent Clinohumite from Kukh-i-Lal, Pamir Mountains, Badakshan, Afghanistan
John E. Garsow, Minerals

Iridescent Covellite Crystals from Summitville, Rio Grande Co., Colorado, Self-A-Ware Minerals
Iridescent Covellite Crystals from Summitville, Rio Grande Co., Colorado
Self-A-Ware Minerals

Very Large Fluorite Crystal Grouping from Crystal Peak, Teller Co., Colorado, Self-A-Ware Minerals
Very Large Fluorite Crystal Grouping from Crystal Peak, Teller Co., Colorado
Self-A-Ware Minerals

Penetrating Blue Fluorite Crystals from Monte San Calogero, Termini Imerese, Italy, Webminerals
Penetrating Blue Fluorite Crystals from Monte San Calogero, Termini Imerese, Italy

Giant Quartz Crystals Outside at the InnSuites (Hotel Tucson City Center)
Giant Quartz Crystals Outside at the InnSuites (Hotel Tucson City Center)

Scolcite Balls on Stilbite from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, Sunvesta Exporters
Scolecite Balls on Stilbite from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Sunvesta Exporters

Green Apophyllite Bowtie on Stilbite from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, Sunvesta Exporters
Green Apophyllite Bowtie on Stilbite from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Sunvesta Exporters

Lazurite/Hauyne with Plagioclase from Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakshan, Afghanistan, Mountain Minerals International
Lazurite/Hauyne with Plagioclase from Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakshan, Afghanistan
Mountain Minerals International

Purple Gemmy Scapolite on Matrix from Fargon Meeru, Kokcha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan, Mountain Minerals International
Purple Gemmy Scapolite on Matrix from Fargon Meeru, Kokcha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan
Mountain Minerals International

Large Amethyst Crystal with Smaller Quartz Crystal from the Reel Mine, Iron Station, North Carolina, Reel Mine
Large Amethyst Crystal with Smaller Quartz Crystal from the Reel Mine, Iron Station, NC
Reel Mine

Unusual Smoky Quartz from the Reel Mine, Iron Station, North Carolina, Reel Mine
Unusual Smoky Quartz from the Reel Mine, Iron Station, NC
Reel Mine

Manganite from the Caland Pit, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada, Barnett Fine Minerals
Manganite from the Caland Pit, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada
Barnett Fine Minerals

Sphalerite and Quartz from the ZCA Mine, Balmat, New York, Geologic Desires
Sphalerite and Quartz from the ZCA Mine, Balmat, New York, Geologic Desires
Geologic Desires

Orange Stellerite on Chalcedony from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, Kings Minerals
Orange Stellerite on Chalcedony from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Kings Minerals

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