he The NY/NJ 2015 Gem & Mineral Show focused very much on making the lecture series a big success. There was a great turnout and those who attended the lectures enjoyed them very much. However, the bulk of the focus was placed on the lecture series, and therefore the public exhibits were sidelined and not as impressive as in previous years.
Click on the images below for larger pictures. The pop-up pictures can also be downloaded in a higher resolution by right clicking them to save them locally.)

NJ Traprock Minerals from the Collection of Stan Parker

Stan Parker in front of his showcase
Prehnites from New Jersey, from the Collection of Hershel Friedman

Minerals from the Collection of Jack Troy. Jack Recently Sold off His Collection
Exhibit organized by Juan Gonazalez
Wavellites from Around the World

Prehistoric Tools, Organized by Justin Zzyxx
Chrysocolla pseudomorph of
Malachite after
From the Luputo Mine, DR Congo

Large Fossils from Pennsylvania