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The 2020 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® Displays Part 2

This is our second post on the display exhibits of the The 2020 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®. We divided the photos of the displays into two posts to keep it from being too long. We didn't put these photos in any particular order -- the order is the sequence of our photographs.

In past years, we separated our posts on the display cases into separate posts for theme-related and non-theme related. However, with this year's more ambiguous theme of "World Class Minerals," every case seemed to have been filled with "World Class Minerals" so it was hard to separate the theme from the non-themed. We therefore included them all together and did not designate separate posts for this.

Please stay tuned for our next post which will include some of the exceptional minerals within these display cases.

Footballs and Snowballs: The Mines of Carthage, Smith Co., Tennessee - Tellus Science Museum
Footballs and Snowballs: The Mines of Carthage, Smith Co., Tennessee
Tellus Science Museum

Golden Calcite from Malmberget, Sweden - Peter Lykberg
Golden Calcite from Malmberget, Sweden
Peter Lykberg

In Memoriam of Tom Hales: February 19, 1943 - April 4, 2019 - Gregg and Glenn Hales
In Memoriam of Tom Hales: February 19, 1943 - April 4, 2019
Gregg and Glenn Hales

Beautiful Mineral Examples from the Harvard Collection - Harvard Mineralogical Museum
Beautiful Mineral Examples from the Harvard Collection
Harvard Mineralogical Museum

The Science Behind World Class Diamonds - GIA - Gemological Institute of America
The Science Behind World Class Diamonds
GIA - Gemological Institute of America

Mineralogical Record Covers of Minerals in the Museum Collection - Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Mineralogical Record Covers of Minerals in the Museum Collection
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

From the Mineral Museum Collection: World-Wide Minerals - The University of Arizona Mineral Collection
From the Mineral Museum Collection: World-Wide Minerals
The University of Arizona Mineral Collection

Marquis Pieces from the Spann Collection - Jim & Gail Spann, Rockwall, TX
Marquis Pieces from the Spann Collection
Jim & Gail Spann, Rockwall, TX

Classic Collection Pieces from the Frederick A. Canfield & Washington A. Roebling Collecton - Smithsonian Institution National Museum on Natural History
Classic Collection Pieces from the Frederick A. Canfield & Washington A. Roebling Collecton
Smithsonian Institution National Museum on Natural History

Colorful Gemstone Minerals - JTV Internal Collection
Colorful Gemstone Minerals
JTV Internal Collection

Favorites from the Collection of Gary and Rosemary White - Gary and Rosemary White
Favorites from the Collection of Gary and Rosemary White
Gary and Rosemary White

Exceptional Mineral Display - Bruce Carter: Board Member of Rice NW Museum of Rocks and Minerals
Exceptional Mineral Display
Bruce Carter: Board Member of Rice NW Museum of Rocks and Minerals

Russian Treasures - Robert Lavinsky
Russian Treasures
Robert Lavinsky

MAD Treasure Honoring the Mineralogical Record - MAD - Mineralogical Association of Dallas
MAD Treasure Honoring the Mineralogical Record
MAD - Mineralogical Association of Dallas

The Mineralogical Record: Celebrating 50 years of Excellence - Arizona Mineral Minions
The Mineralogical Record: Celebrating 50 years of Excellence
Arizona Mineral Minions

Sliced and polished Malachite and Azurite Pieces - Will Larson Collection
Sliced and polished Malachite and Azurite Pieces
Will Larson Collection

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