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Exhibit from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
That has got to be one of the largest Kunzites from California!

Superb Crystals of North America, by Tom Hales (Toms Treasure's Co)

Various Sphalerites from Worldwide Locations

Gold Crystals from California, Nevada, and Colorado

Galena Crystals, from the Phil Richardson Collection

Malachite and Rhodochrosite Polished Sliced Slabs

Silver Specimens from the Collection of Al and Sue Liebetrau

Showcase Put Together by The Collector's Edge for their 30 Anniversary

This Ancient Fossil is Called "Chewie"

Beautiful Display Case of Worldwide Minerals, Without an Exhibit Name

Another Unamed Exihibit Showcase of Worldwide Thumbnails

Unlabelled Display of Wolrdwide Minerals

Arizona Minerals from the Richard Bideux Memorial Trophy Competition

Another Beautiful Unlabelled Display

Gemstones of the Eastern United States from the Tellus Science Museum Collection.