Here I show some of the dealer cases and exhibits of interesting minerals at the show. These can either be new finds, classic material, or minerals that I found very interesting and caught my attention.
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Malachite pseudomorph after Azurite from Bruce Wood.
There were so many new Milpillas copper minerals at the show, and these Malachites were something new.

Jade Slabs from Merk's Jade
These are from Granite Mountain, Wyoming
(Roger and Hana Merk)

Beautiful Midwest Calcites and Fluorites.
Note the really odd elongated Fluorite crystal on the top row, 4th from the left.
Saga Minerals (Jared Freiberg)

We Have all Seen the Bright Blue Cavansite from the Wagholi Quarry in India,
but this was an Incredible Assortment of Top-notch Cavansite not to be Matched!
Superb Minerals India

Electric Blue Azurite from the Milpillas Mine in Mexico.
We all thought production at Milpillas was over, but this year in Tucson brought
an amazing array of more Milpillas minerals, including the outstanding Azurites,
and also Malachite and Cuprites.
La Casa De Cobre Minerals
(Miguel and Irene Portillo)

Case of Exceptionally Large Crystals: Pink Kunzite, Papagoite in Quartz,
Pyrite on Quartz and Elbaite Tourmaline in Quartz.
The Collectors Edge

New Production of Crocoite from the Red Lead Mine in Tasmania.
Collectors Edge Minerals has recently begin professionally mining the property for specimens.

Incredible Fluorites mostly from the Midwest from the original
Ross C. Lillie Collection, Purchased by Rob Lavinsky, The Arkenstone

New Cuprite from the Milpillas Mine in Mexico.
Unique Minerals (Evan Jones)

New Wulfenites with Mimetite mined at the Rowley Mine in Arizona.
Unique Minerals (Evan Jones)

Dazzling Pink Cobaltocalcite from Bou Azzer, Morocco
Spirifer Minerals (Tomasz Praszkier)

Some Rare Faceted Gems, Including Multicolored Fluorite
Kosnar Gem Co. (Brett and Bryan Kosnar)

New Find of Shattuckite from the Congo.
Mineral Classics (Brett and Bryan Kosnar)

Super High-end Case from Rob Lavinsky (The Arkenstone)
These specimens have a 5 to 6 figure price tag!

Dazzling Showcase from Fine Minerals International (Daniel Trinchillo)

Colorful, High-end Case from Fine Minerals International (Daniel Trinchillo)