Since there were so many display cases exhibits to photograph, I had to divide them into several sections, otherwise the post would be too long. The pictures here in part 4 of the show report are all from the collection of Hershel Friedman, founder of Hershel's case focused on minerals of the suburbs of New York City in New York and New Jersey. The shelves in the exhibit were as follows:
- Paterson, New Jersey
- Prospect Park, New Jersey
- Misc New Jersey basalt deposits
- Misc New Jersey minerals
- Large New Jersey specimens
- Rare, lower New York State Minerals
- Large, lower New York State Minerals
- Pictures of old iron mines in the Ramapo Mountains/Hudson Highlands
Note: All these photos can be clicked for an enlarged pop-up.

Display case of Hershel Friedman.
This side of the case is the New Jersey Minerals.

Zoomed in to the middle top row, Prospect Park, NJ minerals.
Left to Right: A large Datolite, yellow Calcite, Prehnite Fingers
Large Apophyllite, Calcite on Anhydrite Cast, Agate, Anhydrite Cast

Minerals from Paterson, New Jersey, in the Hershel Friedman display

Minerals from classic NY localities on the bottom two shelves, and minerals from NJ on top shelf.

Minerals from misc NJ traprock locations, in Hershel Friedman's display.

Large NJ minerals in Hershel Friedman's display