I was at the NY-NJ Gem & Mineral show on both Friday and Sunday. On Saturday my fellow club members Juan Gonzalez and Rolf Schudel covered for me. Although Friday showed a nice amount of people, both Saturday and Sunday were surprisingly busy, and I was happy to have sold lots of my surplus NY/NJ material.
There was a special dinosaur exhibit with many dinosaur statues of different sizes on the show floor in their own designated area. I guess this is becoming a new theme at the shows; these types of dinosaurs were also roaming around the property of the InnSuites show in Tucson the last two years as well.
Here are some general scenes from around the show:

Large, people-size flyers promoting the show and their sister show in Denver

Mean looking dinosaur on the show floor.

People walking through the dinosaur section

Some taller dinosaurs and spectators enjoying them.

The Fine Minerals Section of the show, where the high-end dealers set-up and displayed their beautiful displays.

Busy Area at the show.
This area was wall-to-wall with people

Typical Floor Show Scene

Booth of Malachite & Gems of Africa

An enormous Quartz crystal mass with deep red Tourmaline
from the legendary Jonas Mine in Brazil.
This hunk was on the floor by Green Mountain Minerals,
and they allowed you to touch it.

Beautiful, sherry colored Topaz from a new find near Pikes Peak, Colorado.
At the display booth of Amanda Atkins, who has become a star
on the Weather Channel's new Prospector TV Series.

Very colorful display case at Stonetrust's booth in the Fine Mineral Gallery.
The large Fluorites are from Austria and show amazing color when backlit.