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The InnSuites Show - Part 3 - And Satellite Shows

I had decided to return to the InnSuites show the following day to visit a few more dealers that I missed the first day. I also went to the outside tents surrounding the hotel, as well as the two satellite shows, the Granada Ave. Mineral Show and the Fine Minerals International Show. The Granada Ave. Mineral Show is a large tent adjacent to the InnSuites with many fairly priced minerals, especially for bulk items. Some of the best deals on Indian Zeolites can be picked up here. The Fine Minerals International Show is a house next to the Hotel Tucson property that becomes a showcase of some of the most high-end minerals. Run by Daniel Trinchillo of Fine Minerals International (www.finemineral.com), this finely decorated house contains some of the most expensive minerals to be found in Tucson. There are few if any labels under $1,000, with several in the six-figure range. It is an absolute must when visiting Tucson for the shows to visit this house and see the amazing minerals and colors contained within.

Click any picture for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge:

Beautiful Display Case at Green Mountain Minerals (Nick & Dylan Stolowitz)


Group of Very Large and Beautiful Topaz Crystals on Albite from Gilgit, Pakistan
Green Mountain Minerals Specimen (This Topaz is on the Top Left in the Above Picture)


Very Large Mass of Prehnite with Babingtonite from the Lane Quarry in Mass
Adjacent to a Huge Cluster of Fluorite from the Elmwood Mine in Tennessee
Green Mountain Minerals Specimen


A Close-Up of the Dinos Roaming the InnSuites


Large Slabs and Lamps of Onyx in One of the Large Tents Outside the Hotel.
I Found the Colors of this Photo Incredible.


Entrance to the Granada Ave. Mineral Show Tent


Fine Minerals International House Back Door Entrance.
Note the Large Smoky Quartz with a Custom Base.


Case of Exquisite Minerals in the Fine Minerals International House.
The Dark Red Rubellite Tourmaline on the left in the center row
is Featured on their Website About Page


Another Case of Exquisite Minerals in the Fine Minerals International House.


And Another Case of Exquisite Minerals in the Fine Minerals International House.

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