From the Pueblo Show I walked north just a little bit to the Rapa River show in the Days Inn. This was my first time here, and it was bustling with activity. There are plenty of outdoor dealers and a large indoor exhibition arena. This show is mostly gems, beads, and the mineral dealers are all foreign, with Brazilian dealers being the most prevalent.

Large Billboard promoting the NY/NJ Show, which is going to be a mega-event in April
The billboard is right above the Days Inn Hotel sign for the Rapa River show

Tents to the South of the Days Inn, mostly Brazilian Amethyst and Agate dealers

Row of tents in the background

Beautiful Brazilian Agates

Large sliced Brazilian Amethyst Geodes and Citrine

The motel courtyard

Bustling activity in the motel courtyard

Another view of the motel courtyard, with some large Brazilian Quartz