There were some interesting new finds at the Springfield Show that I had seen by certain dealers. I did not have enough time to make my rounds to all the dealers, but I photographed some interesting finds including several new discoveries.

New Find of Calcite from the Colombian Emerald Mines.
Minerals America (Leonard Himes)

Close-Up of One of the Large Calcite from Colombia.
Minerals America (Leonard Himes)

Large Clinochlore Crystal from Chester Co., Pennsylvania
Minerals America (Leonard Himes)

New Find of Ilmenite from Litchfield County, Connecticut.
Nature's Choice (Damien J. Oskwarek and Robert J. Martinchek)

Exceptional Fluorite in Celestine from Clay Center, Ohio.
There were several of these put together by Don in the public exhibits, but this was stood out above the others.
Donald K Olson

Pyrite cubes in matrix from Navajun, Spain.
When I see these I challenge myself to photograph these amazing crystals since they are so difficult to get right.
Piritas de Navajun (Omar Daniel Gutierrez Ulibarri)

Assortment of Herkimer Diamonds (Paul and Shell Nuckols)

Assortment of zeolites and traprock minerals, especially from New Jersey
The Mineral Cabinet (Bill Butkowski)

Pyrite concretion from the city of Indianapolis
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter)

Large, Freshly-Mined Uvite/Dravite from the Powers Farm in Pierrepont, N.Y.
The actual identity of these Tourmalines is subject to debate.
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter)

Michael holding an outstanding Uvite/Dravite from the Powers Farm, recently mined.
Geologic Desires (Michael Walter)

New Find of Garnet in Graphite matrix from Erving, Massachussetts.
These are a mixture of Pyrope-Almandine
This mine is now owned and operated for specimens by Jason Baskin.
Jay's Minerals (Jason Baskin)

A close up of one of the Garnets in matrix. Looks like some associated Staurolite as well.
Jay's Minerals (Jason Baskin)

Some of the gem Garnets cut from this new Garnet mine
Jay's Minerals (Jason Baskin)

Chrysocolla on Copper from the Chimney Rock Quarry, Bound Brook, NJ.
An old collection of these classic minerals recently resurfaced bringing new specimens to the market.
Jay's Minerals (Jason Baskin)

New Find of Chrysocolla pseudomorphs after Barite from the DR Congo.
Throwin' Stones (Rusty James)

Large plate of highly iridescent Chalcopyrite with Dolomite from the Reynolds Mine, Missouri.
Weinrich Minerals (Dan Weinrich)

Fine Rhodochrosite from an interesting locality - the Starnitsa Deposit in Bulgaria.
Well Arranged Molecules (Kevin Downey)

Bi-Color Beryl (Blue Capped) from the Erongo Mountains
Well Arranged Molecules (Kevin Downey)

Incredible Barite Cluster from the Androvo Mine, Bulgaria
Well Arranged Molecules (Kevin Downey)