Here are the remainder pictures for the individual mineral photos that we took at the InnSuites show. While we have many more good photographs, we had to limited ourselves to the top thirty or so in terms of quality and importance.
Large Crystallized Azurite Plate from Nchanga Open Pit, Chingola, Zambia
Le Sueur Minerals & Gems
Large Goethite Pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Chivor, Colombia
Henry Ospina Minerals
Another Style of Barite Recently Found at the Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa
Saga Minerals
Hematite Crystal Cluster from the N'chaning Mines, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
Capetown Matrix Crystals
New Grainy form of Sugilite from the N'chaning Mines, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
Capetown Matrix Crystals
"Grape Agate" from Mamuju, Suldwesi Island, Indonesia
Alfredo Petrov Minerals