I made my first trip to the Tucson show this year. I wanted to scoop out the situation there and meet with dealers to see what it's all about. It was sort of a prep trip so that next year when the new website is live I'll really be familiar with the scene, and know where to go and what to expect.
Tucson was great - the weather was great (except for one of the days that had a dreching storm with wind-driven rain that caused all outdoor dealers to be on edge), especially when coming from the dead of winter in New York. I arrived on Wednesday morning in Tucson. I went first to the Pueblo show, then to the Executive Inn show, and then to the Inn Suites. Met alot of dealers, bought a few bargains, and got the feeling of Tucson. On Thursday I went to the main show, and then headed to the shows by the La Quinta, Howard Johnson, and Travelodge, before calling it a day. Friday I had to pack up and head back to Phoenix. Overall it was a great learning experience.
This Quartz cluster from Brazil was not that much smaller then the cars in the background!

It's been almost 3 months since our last posting. Just been busy with adding and editing stuff, as well as being at the Tucson show. Will give main updates in seperte blog posts...
We finished editing the Phosphate minerals. The locality info on these minerals was totally outdated. Many new photos from John Betts were also added.
Minerals updated were:
- Adamite
- Apatite
- Mimetite
- Pyromorphite
- Vanadinite
There are many more phosphates we will need to index in the site, but at least for now these are the ones time allowed us to get into the system.
We finished editing all the sulfates. This was a large group and took a while. ALL the info on all the minerals was updated, especially the locality details which were very outdated. Here is a the list of sulfates in our system that were updated:
- Anglesite
- Anhydrite
- Barite
- Brochantite
- Celestine
- Chalcanthite
- Crocoite
- Cyanotrichite
- Epsomite
- Glauberite
- Gypsum
- Jarosite
- Linarite
- Natrojarosite
- Thenardite
We have completed the Varietys and Other Names, and they are linkable and indexed. There is a listing page that lists every known variety and other name for the minerals indexed in our database. And every page that mentions a variety name is also linkable to that mineral. This was a huge feat but it is finally complete and working!