Minerals & Gemstone 480x104

The Tucson Gem & Mineral Show® Non-Themed Cases, Part 2

This post features the next set of display exhibits not directly connected to show theme of "Mineral Treasures of the Midwest." Please stay tuned as we will one more post on the non-themed displays.

The Many Forms and Colors of Smithsonite
The Many Forms and Colors of Smithsonite

Tucson Lidstrom Entry Competitive Case
Lidstrom Entry Competitive Case

Another Competitive Case
Another Competitive Case

Misc Minerals and Gemstones Tucson Show
Misc Minerals and Gemstones

Lidstrom Entry Competitive Thumbnail Case
Lidstrom Entry Competitive Thumbnail Case

Barite World Tour Bill & Diana Dameron
Barite World Tour
Bill & Diana Dameron

Alkaline Earth Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals

Various Minerals
Various Minerals

Native <a class='more' href=Copper from Bisbee, Arizona - Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum">
Native Copper from Bisbee, Arizona
Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum

Bisbee Minerals Collected by Ray Wright
Bisbee Minerals Collected by Ray Wright

META Remembers Bryant W. Harris
META Remembers Bryant W. Harris

The Many Forms and Hues of Malachite from Bisbee, Arizona - Douglas L. Graeme, Richard W. Graeme IV,  Richard W. Graeme
The Many Forms and Hues of Malachite from Bisbee, Arizona
Douglas L. Graeme, Richard W. Graeme IV, Richard W. Graeme V

>New York State Minerals Old and New - Rocko Minerals
New York State Minerals Old and New
Rocko Minerals

Minerals of Arizona's Historic Mining Districts - Arizona Mining, Mineral, and Natural Resources Education Museum
Minerals of Arizona's Historic Mining Districts
Arizona Mining, Mineral, and Natural Resources Education Museum

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