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The Franklin, NJ Fall 2014 Show

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit the Franklin, New Jersey, Fall show. The weather was extremely hot for late September, and was in the upper 80's. This made the outdoor part of the show a bit uncomfortable. I was also very surprised at the $7 admission price to the show! I don't remember the cost being this high previously, and I certainly hope the show staff takes into consideration that this will alienate supporters of the show. I took photos of all the display cases and some of the fluorescent cases, and zoomed in on some individual pieces. I did not have my tripod with me as I normally do, so the quality of the pictures is not necessarily the quality I would like these pictures to be.


any picture below for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge: - See more at: http://www.minerals.net/news/#sthash.dTwnCxIN.dpuf

Click any picture below for a larger pop-up, and use the zoom key to enlarge:


Various Willemites from Sterling Hill
Various Willemites from Sterling Hill


Willemite in Calcite - Franklin NJ Show
An Exceptional Willemite in Calcite from the Above Case


Franklin, NJ Show Classics
Franklin Classics, from Common to Rare (Steve Kuitems)


Franklin, NJ Show Classics
A Zoom Into the Above Case


Rhodonite, Franklin, NJ
Rhodonite with Exceptional Color from the Above Case


Pyrite Graphite Franklin New Jersey
Unusual Pyrite from Franklin with Graphite from the Above Case


Franklin Minerals Franklin NJ Show
Unlabeled Case of a Mounted Old-Time Franklin Area Collection


Gahnite Franklin NJ
Gahnite and Rhodonite from the Above Case


Garnet from Franklin & Sterling Hill NJ
Garnet from Franklin and Sterling Hill


Andradite Garnet - Franklin Show
Mustard-Yellow Andradite Crystals from Franklin
(Label Says Green but its more Yellow than Green)


Agates and Polished Artifacts - NJ
Agate and Other Polished Material from New Jersey


Ribbon Ore Franklin Show
"Ribbon Ore" - Franklin Area Minerals Forming in Veins


Fluorescent Willemite Vein in Calcite
Fluorescent Willemite Veins in Calcite


Steve Kuitems Fluorescent
Various Fluorescents in the Darkroom


Willemite in Calcite - Franklin NJ Show
Zoomed in to Really Nice Willemite Crystals on Calcite

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